Personal Message
— 〉 lim eunsoo 임은수.
— 〉 9th march + twenty-six (26) years old.
— 〉 librarian + manhwa artist (under the penname "mae hwa").
— 〉 single, biual demiromantic.
— 〉 type a + isfp ("adventurer") + chaotic good + 7w6 ("pathfinder").
— 〉 originally a wineport native, eunsoo enjoyed the relative quietude the small town offered until she moved away at 7 years old, when her parents got divorced and her father won the settlement regarding child custody; jaded with her family's circumstances, she turned to writing and the visual arts to alleviate the loneliness permeating her brand new, spotless abode in the big city, words and random doodles on notebook margins becoming her dearest friends in the years that followed. unbeknownst to her, it became a talent she had honed through constant practice and "maladaptive daydreaming" (her own words), even bringing her interests into fruition by majoring in journalism and creative writing. at 18, her storyboard garnered relative traction at her university, her "passion project" quickly turning into an actual manuscript for her first-ever manhwa. more tba!