Personal Message

Christian Yu

9/6/90, 34


Clove and Cedar


Bartender, aspiring tavern owner

its too early so I give cliff notes and make pretty later

-Lost his parents when he was early/mid teens, watched his brother get taken away. this fight cost him his sight and hearing on one side

-Spent years fending for himself, developing slightly antisocial behaviors- but searching for his brother

-He'd freelance hunting for villages and packs, anything that would pay and that he could accomplish

-This turned into hired contracts to kill, making him deviate from the search for his brother for many years

-While following a contract to search out a pack, he finds his brother but is skeptical

-Does he finish the kill and move on with his life, pretending like it's not his Chan? Does he rekindle his brotherhood and attempt to learn what having connections and family is like? Or shall he stick around, cause chaos while trying to figure out his own head?