Personal Message



class: ancient curses
abilities: elemental and sciences = Water Manipulation 

likes: hair pins, candy
dislikes: fire - her parents where are war with another pirate gang, ultimately the ship burnt down and beidou was rescued at the last moment , sleeping - see artificial memories , thunderstorms 

flaws: easily bribed, curiosity 
strengths: determination 

Artifical memories: In her dream's there is a blonde woman, yet when she screams out her name there is no answer only muffles, so she is uncertain as to weather or not these are reality or not / they are not, she is yet to realise this/ 

background:  Beidou seems like a typical pirate, but oh how wrong it was. She hates anything to do with seafood and fears crabs I mean have you ever seen a crabs mouth, so giving her one usually ended up with the poor victim almost drowning in a water bubble, but hey at least they learnt their lesson. NOW despite that Beidou is usually a calm person thinking thoroughly with plans yet becomes frustrated when the plan fails upon her end. But that is enough about current Beidou, let us dwell and dive right into her past, putting it simply, her parents raised a monster and it all has to do with what is under her eyepatch, which was once an eye  is now basically a hole with quite violent looking scars left there by someone who had control of electricity, her parents. Beidou was a kid who had no control of her powers and caused flooding to many cities and ultimately ending her childhood friend. So of course, they had to remove it, by any means possible. 
Which ended up Beidou finding a letter for Halcyon acadamy, after a long hard thought upon it, she decided to take up the offer to learn something new but also to learn how to control her own powers. 

once she runs out of water due to being pushed to her limit, she will struggle to breathe and will demand water

Halcyon Academy of Magic and Sciences
SPECIALTYAncient Curses
ID NO. 173170688