Personal Message


                                                           Spirit Doll


Bio: Taemin's life hadn't always been the best his family life was lacking and he had withdrawn a bit from people around him because of it, but in his own little world he was happy. No one yelled or called him names and everyone liked him there. He was that way for a while and people just accepted it..and soon forgot about him as he wouldn't talk to a soul. It took the school two weeks to figure out he was missing...It took his parents a month as they always thought he silently left the house to wander the streets. A search party was sent out to look for him but his body was never found. When he went home he tried turning the doorknob but his hand went through it thinking he was dreaming he went into the house. Everything was gone the house was abandoned in what he thought was the course of a night but in reality had been years. He wandered finding himself in front of a doll shop as the maker inside stared right at him. He offered Taemin a chance to live again which he hesitantly accepted, he still sits in the store in the very back as he asked waiting for someone to finally choose him instead of the others.