Personal Message

She wanted to escape.

She wanted to disappear.

But she was already gone.



She seemed already invisible.



"The lights have appeared, the spotlight is on you."

Name: Min || Wish: Hope and Confidence || Single || Orientation: None

ideals, ideals, truth and truth


Min lived as a girl with low self-esteem and few confidence. She was born as a person who was unknown to the world, with a mute voice and a beautiful mind. She always depended on others, but she was always alone nevertheless. Her mother died in an accident, her father resorted to gambling and drugs, leaving them with no money and essential parts of life. At the young age of 12, she ran away, never stopping, only running. I'm free, she thought, but then realized at her destination that she still had no one, and she was lonelier and living in more poverty than before. She lived alone in a rusted warehouse, and if she was lucky, had a full meal a day. She educated herself with books found in trash cans or simply littered onto rivers. Once she turned 16, she got a part-time job at a cafe and lived in a small apartment the boss provided for her because she worked harder than the others, always tried to perfect the coffee's, and was kind to the customers. She only went out to buy groceries for herself. But one day she heard about a beautiful fountain. . .


"I wish. . . for confidence."

-the wishing well roleplay