Personal Message

the world is black and white. i can see no colour.
(  feeling  ) ;  ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆      (  listening  ) ;  when the wind blows- LEDApple.     (  craving  ) ;  racing and

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behind the mask.

"Humans are like flowers, they're beautiful when they blossom.
But eventually they fade away..."

Home was never a concept Chanyeol understood. Every other child went home to a warm house

and loving parents, who although the children verbally despised, really they were one of the
most important things in their lives. This however never happened to Chanyeol, he slunk home
every afternoon to an abusive father, to watch how the man would lay lashing after lashing on
his mother. It wasn't pretty, and he hated watching his mother be abused like that. But really,
she wasn't much better than his father anyways. He found that if he came straight home and he
locked himself in his room until the next morning, they'd leave him alone.
That changed when his mother left.

His father was rather unhappy that he didn't have any one to toy around with anymore, but he
never really liked his son anyways, so what did it matter if he destroyed the boy;s life anyways...
From then on, Chanyeol's home life was hell. His father pulled every painfull and humiliating
trick in the book, until it seemed every part of Chanyeol's soul was shattered. Verbal abuse,
physical abuse, even ual abuse was inflicted upon the young boy and sometimes he wondered
how he mannaged to hide all the scars, as well as those accompained from his evident self harming.
Chanyeol's cousin was the only one who knew about his situation, but he knew that with her
homeless, she was probably more worse off  than him.


He ran away at age sixteen and got into the drug dealing business, living on the streets and
making what he could. Holds the title for street racing and is talented at mechanics and biology

......Has a hideous fear of water due to the water tortue his father inflicted on him.
Still self harms on occasion and has regular nightmares about his past.

❝ don't want the world to see me,
because i don't think they'd 

▁  ▁  ▁  ▁  ▁  ▁  ▁  ▁  ▁  ▁  ▁  ▁  ▁  ▁  
▬ life ruiners. SAVERS
name ┊  name ┊  n a m e
about biases. about biases. about biases. about biases. about biases. about biases.
about biases. about biases. about biases. about biases. about biases. about biases.
about biases. about biases. about biases. about biases. about biases. about biases.

▁  ▁  ▁  ▁  ▁  ▁  ▁  ▁  ▁  ▁  ▁  ▁  ▁  ▁  
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thank you.

`(  Hyeongkon )   -   `(  Key  )   -   `(  name  )   -   `(  name  )   -   `(  name  )   -   `(  name  )

     (If you wanna be my cousin let me know /nod
ooc - Sup the names Channie, I'm from Aus and I'm a para/multi para rper.
I really dont enjoy first pov, and i wont respond to one liners.
im from australia, GMT+10