Personal Message


"Huang Zi Tao"
                                                 The romantic panda







|       [Mood: 3/5]     ['Lonely...']    [eyecandy: ...] | || |   [craving for Love]  | || | [EXO-M - MAMA]  |  |



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() My Fallen Angels
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() This is me
My name is Huang ZiTao, sometimes I just go by Tao or Panda
Birthday is the 2nd May, I am 18.183cm tall, Chinese, and a student here. Beware, my hobby is martial arts.


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() You know nothing





y free & single ¦  crushing ¦  searching ¦ baby its you

straight ¦heading toward you ¦  biual ¦ I'm not telling you

The one I want... the one who loves me for who I am



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『Kris』  『Xiumin』  『Luhan』  『Lay』  『Chen 』  『Tao』




A little OoC-Stuff-Corner

  • TimeZone +1
  • Often busy with school stuff (no, not stuff like teached here!)
  • RP with me if you want~ I don't bite or scratch, at least not as long as you don't let me.