Personal Message
I enjoy roleplaying as choi Siwon the most;
I enjoy thrid pov and non-au the most;
I'm okay with all ualities when writing a couple;
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I dislike god modding;
I dislike empty replies (the ones I can't work with);
I dislike angst, but I can work with it;
as student Choi siwon
dating cho kyuhyun;
@ Secret Seoulmate
As artist choi siwon
@ Two households
As gangster lee donghae
dating lee hyukjae;
as mee yon in
> when fire meets ice <
> Between classes <
@ Little talks
as idol cho kyuhyun
dating choi siwon;
@ snow creek academy
As student choi siwon
@ Community college
as student cho kyuhyun
@ Lost dreams
as orphan lee hyukjae;
@ Dark paradise
as gangster choi siwon
Profession: Ex-Lawyer; Artist;
uality: "Straight";
Relationship Status: Crushing;
Calm; Friendly; Gentlemanly; Optimistic; Fighter;
Siwon's father is a well succeeded lawyer who dreamt about having his son following his steps and being the chairman of his company as soon as he had to retire.
As the good, obedient son he is, Siwon went to law school as his father wished, and gave his best to have the best grades possible, ending up turning out into one young promissory lawyer, although ironicallu against his will.
His mother is a stylist, who started to build her career by illustrating books for children during her first years as an Arts Student, and made her way into her own dream - being a stylist -, and his younger sister ended up following her mother's steps, once they shared the passion for fashion design.
Siwon met his mom quite often at her work place in order to find a comfortable place to study (aside from the school's Library and his own room) and ended up discovering his gift and passion, and after graduating, he decided to give it a shot and started a new course at an Arts Academy.
Unlike his sister and mother, he preferred to portrait the people who were dressing the clothes, capturing those characteristic traits so unique in each one of them.
He sure had a close family, which cared a lot about him and loved him, but...until the day Siwon decided to follow his dreams and build his own path, his father's opinion and proud faded away.
Even though he and his father always had a strong relationship, after Siwon quitted being a lawyer in order to become an artist they started to fight constantly, not only the two of them, but the whole family, because his sister defended he should follow his own dreams, and work on something in which he could invest his gift and passion, since it would be something for a lifetime.
His mother secretly defended the same because she also faced the same problem, but also defended his son should follow his father's steps and becoming his company's chairman, and his father...was just so angry about those constant arguments, he decided to act like they weren’t living in the same house anymore simply by avoiding him.
His love life was inexistent, and maybe his social life as well, once since young his priority was studying, ending up parting away from his closest friends, who quitted trying to drag him to hang out.
Siwon eventually learnt how to enjoy being alone, always trying to find the bright side of things that look all but bright, he enjoyed to stay home and read, exercise, or simply...drink. A lot. Especially when he missed home the most, anyway, the only bad thing about him being drunk was the hangover on the next day, once he learnt he was rather creative when he was drunk, if we exclude the fact that he got addicted to be drunk exactly due to erase certain thoughts from his mind.