Personal Message

Y O U R Y P A B O  


     f e b r u a r y  7 t h , 1 9 8 8.    |    1 8 0 c m.   |  6 3 k g.   |   b l o o d   t y p e   a.   |   y o u r   i e s t  n i g h t m a r e. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
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  Changjo, you'll be that memory I'll never want to forget.  
(   t a k e n.  ┊ g a y. ┊ y o u a r e t h e o n e.  11/27/12 )

The Ice around by heart has already been broken.
Choi Jonghyun... Despite our age difference, I feel we connect in a certain way that no one else can. Your cute smile, your precious laugh,
your gentle touch are many things that made me fall for you. The way you kiss me always gives me butterflies and makes me
want to kiss you over and over. We may have met in an interesting way but when I think of it, it makes
me smile, knowing it was the best day of my life. When you got hurt it only made me want to
take care of you even more. I love you Choi Jonghyun, nothing will separate us.
Our story began on 12/9/12, and will continue on forever.

My little Princess, Jae.
  Jae, my little girl born on December 8, 2012 is also the daughter of Changjo. She is the cutest baby I've ever seen and I think she looks more like her Umma. Both Jae and her Umma are the most loved and important people in my life. I will do anything and everything to care and protect them.
`my favourite pabos. 




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