


I am Lee Jun, CEO of New World and I am one of the most strict people you'll encounter here. I do not take lightly to disrespect. When I am working, I am working. Do not interupt me nor joke around with me as if I am a friend. You will be shut down, this is a business and I have a business to run. When there's work to be done, I do not like to hear excuses. That being said, I try to be a reasonable man. If you have a good reason, I may be lenient with you otherwise think again. If you want something from me, consider it a negotiation. I do not accept bribes and I don't do things because you want to. I only want the best to represent the company and if you cannot present yourself well in public you will be removed. I am a man of business but outside of work, do not approach me being cutesy or clingy or infantile. I will not respond well and you will probably feel uneasy knowing that I can control your fate as an idol or future idol. If you are not working to be a musician, then just know, that's not the kinds of things I'm into. I will try to be civil but mostly I will just tell you that I'm busy with other things. I'm not much fond of skinship so I would appreciate no touching. I may seem cold when you approach me and that may be a good observation. I'm always focused on work and thus I'm not the most social.
Personally, I used to be a musician, an indie artist, playing guitar, singing, rapping, composing. Not much dancing that was probably my younger brother Honghui who was into those things. I'm more of a behind the scenes guy. I'm Korean and Chinese and I have a younger brother. No sisters. No wife, no kids, no significant other. I have a few friends and I'm pretty tolerant as long as it doesn't disrupt the ambience of the company.  Don't ask me how to debut if you're not going to even work hard [be active in the roleplay] Know that I have eyes everywhere and I check to see who's worthy. Every audition will not create a group, and you may be rejected more than once. It is nothing personal, I am watching your activity. Be respectful when you approach me using the appropriate pronouns of Mr. Lee, Jun-sshi, or if I know you well you may call me oppa/hyung.





It's that little extra, that makes you extraordinary.








●girls: y,sassy, confident, and kinda cute. I like them cool as and not clingy. That 's annoying.
●guys: I'm harder to please here... um... I'M the man in the relationship. Guys... you really don't have a good chance... maybe you could be funny and make me laugh, know how to take a punch and hold a proper arguement when I'm moody.
●strawberries, pineapples, peaches, and raspberries
●apple juice and lemonade are my favorites
●playing guitar

●clingy people
●people who break their promises
●unnecessary drama
●people who don't have good reasons
●people who treat me as second best or not good enough.

●MLD ● Honghui ●Sanghyun 












