Personal Message













March 26, 1990| Single T^T | Bi | Xiu MIn

Under Co.


eargasm ; Angel- Exo M

eyegasm ;Ummm nothing

craving ; Someone that can love me

thoughts ; ---


Love you like a love song, baby.

taken by ; Sadly no one

since ; ---


Stay in my life, please. I want you here forever.


Jin *^* ¦ name ¦ name ¦ name ¦ name 



咖啡  layoutshop 




status: single|Taken|Married|Engaged
orientation: bi
ideal type: Friendly, caring, funny and someone who will love me for me 
taken by: No one T^T 

since: Not yet TT^TT

Look at me :D I am adorable :P