Personal Message






Z  e  l  o  b  ot  
thoughts: cherrytomatoes | mood: imarobo | eyecandyy.o.u | eargasm:zero-bap
So perfect, it´s not fair
Hello. I'm Zelobot...sometimes people call me Choi Junhong, but I prefer being called Zelo ^^
I was manufactured on october 15 1996 at Mokpo, South Korea
Pat my head at 184 cm. I'm made of 63 kg of metal
I have a bunny, his name is Totomato /smiles
I'm generally nice. but break my skateboard and Black Zelo will appear and Black Zelo will attack -_-
I like cherry tomatoes...and steak..
I want to know you, get to know you better
status: single ¦ crushing ¦ dating ¦ married ¦ divorced ¦ not interested
orientation: gay ¦ straight ¦ biual ¦ anythingual
My heart is on fire, cause I love you hyung
About love about love about love about love about love about love about love about love about love about love about love about love about love about love about love about love about love about love about love about love about love about love about love about love about love about love about love
Wherever you are, we´re always together
(name)     (name)     (name)     (name)     (name)