Personal Message

MOOD ; ♛ ♛ ♛THOUGHTS ; cakes are yummy CRAVINGS ; cakes EARCOOKEH ;  EYECANDEH ;




ayoo. jung shoejung's the name.

but you can call me kreasetal.

whutever floats your canoe.

i rose up from hell on october twenty four,

nineteen ninety four. eigthteen years young.

kiss my forehead at one hundred sixty five centimeters.

i am a sole divine. be pudding B|



「 relation status single

「 orientation straight as a popsicle stick

「 crushing on cakes otl


them speshul people-

koalas - jello, laybear, joonie, daehyun, jongup,

cupcakes- sushi, ssul, swaegyo, yoon unnie

and maybe you?