Personal Message

None. (Oliver was not permitted to write a personal message.)


Oliver is 6ft, even. His hair is golden-blonde, and his eyes are a purple blue.

He is a softer member of the Resistance. He doesn't kill someone when they're down and unarmed.

He is smarter than everyone thinks he is. They all call him the stupid one, but he is much smarter than even the leader of the Resistance itself.

He could be considdered to be Autistic, but no one really knows.

His partner is Terra, and she "takes care of him."

He acts bored or tired, or sometimes sad around people.

But what actually goes on inside his brain is only known to him.

He can think of two hundred battle strategies in seconds.

He can play out all the scenerios in his head, and find out which one will work best.

He has a special way of telling Terra his plans, and it's called American Sign Language.