Personal Message
Choi Minhwan
My puppy, Wishbone:
Likes: hot guys, cute things, drumming, singing, aegyo, music, CHICKEN
Dislikes: being bored, mean people, spiders and bugs
Eyegasm: my Lay ♥
Eargasm: Rain- Rainism
Mood: ★★★★☆
ual Orientation: Straight ㅣㅣ Gay ㅣㅣbiual
Ideal type: Suho hyung & Lay
Relationship status: Single ㅣㅣ TakenㅣㅣEngaged ㅣㅣ Married ㅣㅣ Forever Alone
In love with: Lay and Suho~♥♥♥
Thoughts: I love you guys! ^-^
Background & Personality:
Minhwan was raised by nuns in an orphanage. They told him to be cute and cheerful so he would get adopted, but no one wanted him. Minhwan lived a sheltered life in the orphanage. They never taught him about or ion. He is very innocent and naive, and sometimes people take advantage of his innocence. Minhwan is only attracted to boys because the only girls he really knew were nuns. He is very hyper, and he has ADHD. Minhwan was and he doesn't like being alone now. He really loves his two amazing boyfriends.