Personal Message
«Myungsoo, L
• Birthday : March 13th•
Hey I'm Myungsoo. But You can call me L.
I was born into a loving family with an older brother and two younger sisters. I never knew my biological parents, but I was told they gave me up because they just couldn't afford to take care of me. I don't hate them for that, I'm actually thankful for the decision.
Ever since I was young I wanted to pursue the arts, specifically speaking I want to be a musician. So when I was 18, my parents consented to the decision I move out, as long as I take our youngest sister with me.
I agreed.
She didn't start to have health problems until she was 13. It was during a routine check up that they found a lump. Further xrays showed she has this rare disease that pretty much fills up her lungs with liquid. She now has to walk around with an oxygen tank and has a breathing machine for the nights. The health problems are still continuing.
When I moved out, my sister became my responsibility, but she spends most her time in hospitals.
I try my best to support her treatments, working two jobs. My favorite one is the bar, it's interesting to people watch, especially the people in this city.
But I always have faith that things will work out. And I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason.
I'm not the most patient, but I am kind, and one day that will pay off.I think
Name Name Name
Currently friendless
M I'm taken by a flirtatious handsome man. It's in your best interest to keep your hands off.
I call him the devil
because he makes me want to sin.
and everytime he knocks
I can't help but let him in.
Admin @Sins and Virtues Roleplay