Personal Message
yoo ah ra
married kitten 26/09/92 straight 167cm
- ara's past is the reason for the person she is today. she can come across as being the innocent and sweet
type but seriously, don't tick her off because you'll be asking for a death wish. from her abusive past, she
holds on her innocent front only because she knows outcomes from being so y when first meeting
someone. her past is something she hates being questioned on. its really something that gets her every
time and she won't tell you anything unless she really does trust you fully and from her problems in the
past ~ she does have a hard time in trusting people.
- you'll know when she trusts you when she goes all out with you. she won't be afraid to do what she wants
around you. you'll know when she's awkward when she begins twisting her hair around her finger and
her lip biting isn't to seduce but rather when she's thinking, fustrated or having trouble with the current
- ara has two small faint scars; one above her right knee and one just below her right jawline. they look lke
birthmarks which gives her something to say when asked.
- she's blunt when she wants to be but straight out always honest. she isn't one to pull moves first nor to go
ing around.
- it's just who she is. the past was the girl who had flings but present is the girl who changed for the better.
' ( key ) ' (-- ) - 'through thick and thin. always there.'
huang zitao
'puttin' my defences up, cause i don't wanna get hurt'
- i judged and messed, still messing and though i didn't like nor hate you at first; i could clearly
see how you treated me. it wasn't nice to be a third wheel but then i figured...get caught then it
wouldn't have been my mess to clean.
-your cold expression really did put the strey in mystery, it was one of the reasons for the person i
was when we first met.
-i fell in love with what i saw underneath than what you held above. i saw why you held it and
why you didn't show the real you, and you wonder why i stuck it out so long. not because you have
fame and money but because of you. because i know theres still so much more about you.
-theres so much more to say but somethings...are always better left unsaid like ; 'you really don't
know how much you mean to me' though its been said...i know you really don't.