Personal Message

roleplaying at contagious.
as your prince charming, kai.

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well hello there. name is kim jongin.
i've been gracing this earth since
jan 14 1994. i'm 19 year old and
y. i'm apart of the bias ruiner
group exo as the main dancer and
lead rapper.


`r/s status: single and broken.

kai loved a man by jonghyun very much. but one day,

kai spotted jonghyun kissing his ex-girlfriend, heerin.

thinking the other was cheating--when heerin actually

had jonghyun cornered--kai broke the r/s off and

wasn't the same after. he remained broken-hearted for months

and was oblivious to the fact that he still loved the other

and realized it when jonghyun came back into his life.

he confessed his feelings to him but later found out that

jonghyun has moved on and no longer loved kai. now,

kai has sealed his heart. and he is now a bartender and a professional

dance teacher with a broken heart. think you got what it takes? it's not

going to be an easy task, you know.


`about this boy: don't let his good looks charm you.

kai was raised in a rich family. he had good grades--top of the each

glass actually. he was smart, witty, quick, athletic, and charming.

kai was everyone's ideal type; someone everyone wanted but no

matter how hard they tried, they could never get him. kai wasn't

easily impressed. you would either have to do drastic measures in

order to even make him look at you for more than 5 seconds without

getting a second thought. kai is picky, nonetheless. he's known as a bad

boy in the school, but doesn't get into trouble. being a professional dancer,

kai thrives to be in the spotlight, but then again he wants to share it. having

a huge dream of being in a band in the most famous entertainment, SM

Town. he can rap, he can dance. that's all he wants; to be a star. but honestly,

being known for looks makes kai feel alone and not truly loved. because that's

all what they want from him. they don't care about his personality, how he

grew up, his full name, or anything else about him. they want him because he's

gorgeous. and being gorgeous makes him feel ugly.


`when the plague began: he lost everything.

kai loved his family. he honestly did. although they could pains at times,

kai loves to spend time with them. he had a little sister named Mi Cha

who could steal your heart in a second. his mother was a sweet-heart

and his dad could be strict at times, he's actually a gentle giant. when the

plague hit, he lost everything and everyone. he woke up one night to loud

sirens, lights illuminating brightly outside, screams and yells. when he tried to

find his parents, all he found was their corpses being eaten by 2 zombies. he was

frozen in horror until he felt the rage consume him. he shot every single one of

them with the shotgun in the cupboard behind him. since then, he's been cold.

he wanders around with a shotgun strapped to his back, a ton of shotgun ammo

in his duffle bag along with personal items; looking for other humans. he may

not act it, but he's cold inside. he hasn't found a single human yet since his 18th

birthday, the day the plague hit. now he's 19 and still very alone; searching for

others just like him.


`things he carries: in the duffle bag.

-- a photo of him, his sister, and his parents

-- some clothes, a brush, toothbrush and toothpaste

-- some of his favorite snacks and drinks

-- a ton of ammo

-- knives (since he knows hand-to-hand combat)

-- a journal; to mark how each day went

-- a camera with batteries; to take pictures

-- his mothers necklaces; to keep a piece of her in his heart

-- his dad's wrist watch; to keep a piece of him in his heart

-- a photo album, to keep remembering of what used-to-be