Personal Message
I turn the tables.
Feeling: Worried for someone.
Comprehension: She could die...
Hearing: Turning Tables [Glee Ver.] - Gwyneth Paltrow
Vision: The only one I know who could help me.
Craving: The capability to make a difference.
Connection: None. Am I supposed to have one?
Behind the Controls...
- I am a usual para writer, though I sometimes go semi-para. But most of the time, I mirror what you give me.
- I have a Philippine Standard Timezone. It's GMT+8. I also am pretty busy with university, so I don't reply quickly at times.
- I have this certain default typing style with which I refrain from using emoticons or smileys, so please don't treat it as rude.
- I have a connection to all my characters. I feel what they feel. They mirror what I feel. I consider them as versions of myself.
- I am a close friend and classmate of Ailee. I usually am around when she is. Piss her off and you face me.
- I am a nice person, albeit pretty formal. But I'm not emotionless. Please remember that. So, please don't copy my content.
Balance. It was something that people fight for, surrender for, or even kill for. Balance is what kept the world together - held in a constant cycle of wins and losses, of victories and failures. But what was balance, really? It was arbitrary. In a place where what is common and liveable is the cold and the frozen - it is what is balanced. It is the status quo, it is... what is... normal. Normalcy, that is where balance in this world is anchored on. What is enough for a survival of an existing trait or creature... that is what is balanced, because if one thing is too much, other things cannot survive. For a place to be balanced, a person to be balanced, then it must be that everything is normal and fit for survival.
But then, if balance is nothing but arbitrary - dependent on each situation, each circumstance - what is enough to last? Fairness? The law? But that would be too strict. What is not existing in the law is unfair, what exists in the law is fair... but what about exceptions? Then, fairness isn't... universal. What is? Revenge. Anyone in any case, anyone in any place, any single entity who had been thrown to the dirt of humiliation or oppression longs for the blood and kill that would make them on the same level as their oppressors... that would make them even.
And that is what I represent. I stand for the people who were unable to get up again because someone with too much fortune had the gall to push them down to pain and submission. I am the icon of all those who thirst for the repayment of blood, for all those who wanted to get back at those who hurt them, for all those who scream "I want to be on the same level as everybody else!". I am that one entity who is more than willing to even out every playing field, every slate and every tide.
I hear your cries when your sibling teases you and gets away with it - when its you who receives the punishment instead of him or her. I glare along with you at the people who throw paper balls to your face because you are weird or you simply don't fit in. My blood boils at the sight of all those people who keep making you submit to their wishes, even if in exchange you lose your chances at getting better or living normally... while they go on with their noses up in the air in proud, boisterous triumph.
And I share the same sentiment as you wish in your heart so badly that they get a taste of their own medicine.
I am Nemesis, goddess of what is fair and just. And in the absence of balance, of fairness and justice, I stand for one more important thing.
And I have a question for you.
Who will you get back at today?