Personal Message

                                                     (eyegasm: you. )     (eargasm: music )     (mood:  need of )      (thoughts: i'll show you one day. )                                                                  





                                                        "i changed for you. i thought you were that one for fooled this player." 

--the story of minjun
minjun lived a normal life. probably the most straight
person you could ever know, and that is not
exaggeration. he was a famous ulzzang who went
by the name of junsu and went by that name
throughout highschool and college.
he was the type of guy who would bounce around with
girls until he would find that perfect girl.
and on his sophmore year in college, he truly thought he found that girl.
but boy, he was way off. he was used for lust, and greed by his wealth
and good looks. after that day he swore to himself he wouldn't change his player
ways. ever since, he decided to try guys out just to experiement since he is still young.
now, at the age of 23 minjun is that player who doesn't stay with one person.
he prefers men now after that day his 'maria' left him the 'tony' in this story.
--be my maria;
minjun's age: 23
height: 180cm (5'11")
dob: january 15, 1990
occupation: none because he is part of the wealthy class.
hobbies: singing, dancing, cooking, modeling
orrientation: biual but mostly prefers men
relationship status: single
ideal: someone who can deal with me.if that's possible.
and let me be your  tony
(or don't.)