
      ch en
 — please tell me if this what they called love.
the chensation 
  — you've ever seen
the name's Kim Jong Dae. and i'm exo-m's angel voice. are you jelly?
about me. about me.about me.about me.about me.about me.about me.
about me.about me.about me.about me.about me.about me.about me.
about me.about me.about me.about me.about me.about me.about me.
about me.about me.about me.about me.about me.about me.about me.
status ¦ » single taken confused not looking
orientation ¦ » 
ideal type ¦ » 

you are my


profile credit. 
graphics not mine.
credits to the owner.

roleplaying at hscd rp (Chen the ace of spades) 