Personal Message

roleplaying at spring season as  Yao MingMing

Name: Yao Mingming (姚明明)
Date of Birth: January 5, 1997 
Height: 180cm 
Weight: 60kg 
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn 
Nationality: Chinese



Yao MingMing~!

Although i may be cute, Im terribly shy of people i dont know

I wasnt the best person no one wanted to be

my friend...i stuttered to much for them

...Would you be my friend?

I have a habit of flinching when ever 

im touched...will you fix it?

Im very straight foreward.


MyInnocent Feelings~! 

Status: single | taken | dating | crushing
Orientation: Straight | Gay | BiSeventeenual
Ideal type: )  no one.....could you change that?

Marshmallow | Teddieun | Jimin | Gue Gue | name