Personal Message






1 2 3 4 5 | eyecandy; sehun | eargasm; exo - don't go | profile cr

Introducing me. Park Chanyeol.,

I don't trust easy, especially if you're human. I have to much to lose.

I can get overprotective.

And my rank is placed on grudge, not on skill. I could be elite...if they let me.

I'll protect a human, but if you so much as break my trust in anways. Don't ve surprised when some

darkness sneaks into your window... I've killed before.

I'd rather not make it twice.

I miss my forest. I miss my family. I miss the freedom the trees gave me.

The freedom the human's stole. I can be selfless..

But only if you deserve it.


"I like people who smile when it rains......"



Real name: Park Chanyeol

Race: Werewolf

Age: 19

Class: 3rd Class

Occupation: Assistant

 Availability: Taken, Mated and bonded. 

Human partner: /

Mate: Sehun <3





My Beautiful  Mate and Pups, appa loves you always arasseo? <3






And to Minhyun, Joon, Hojun and Hyunki... I'm sorry I couldn't spend more time in your lives. I love you.




