Personal Message





sometimes the heart sees what is inviible to the eye




I'm Oh Sehun, a second class wolf. I'm nineteen years old.
I have a mate, Chanyeol, and we have three children together.
Four is a possibility, our daughter wants a sister.
I've been with Chanyeol for a while, and I plan to stay with him until the end.
I currently have no master, for I was abandoned soon after being chosen. Fun.

To my lover, Chanyeol; 
I hated your guts at first, but now I can't stand to be away.
You'll always take my breath away, but I don't mind.
I love you, Park Chanyeol. Saranghae.

[ mood ] 012345   [ eyecandy ] Chanyeol  [ earcandy ] Our Kids' Laughter 

To my precious children;
Seongyeol, Soojung, Chanse, Chaemin.. Umma loves you, arasseo?
I'll love watching the four of you grow up, me and your appa both.
Stay strong, you four, and grow up well. I love you!


Chanyeol - Seongyeol - Soojung - Chanse - Chaemin

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