Personal Message


Eyecandy  Eargasm  Mood  
Sandeul is a pretty happy-go-lucky kind of guy. He tends to go with the flow, and tries not to worry too much about the consequences. He's not always the smartest of people but he can recognise certain situations if they arise. He doesn't like feeling out of control however, and because he isn't always able to control his feelings, this some times gets to him and can make him quite depressed. However, he is easily cheered up and moves on, until he thinks about it again and repeats the cycle.
He has always lived in the city of Elysium, and has a few childhood friends here and there. He doesn't know EVERYONE but likes to think he has a pretty good grasp of his area. He generally likes living in Elysium and enjoys his workplace too. He started work when he was 16 since he never did that well in school and has continued working at the restaurant ever since.
함께 하고 싶어
내게 와주면 안되니
Currently single; open to dating.
Wants to love and be loved.
In need of: 2 Childhood friends, 1 best friend, and any other relationship