Personal Message

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Name: Jang Hyunseung

Age: 23

Power: Mind Reader

Job: Barista/Bartender

Small intro: Hyunseung is a calm collected person who loves to dance. He works behind the bar and has a strong hold of his powers. When he was younger he was taught at home due to the overwhelming strength the thoughts had on him. He is now outgoing and happy. Hyunseung usually uses his powers when he needs to which isnt very often. He does on some occasions have a slip and will be able to hear a strong thought such as suicide, hatred, love and so forth.

History: Hyunseung from the age of 7 knew he was not normal. He was constantly bombarded with thoughts. He believed that they were voices from the other side. Many also believed that he was crazy but only his parents knew the truth. They told him about his powers as they homeschooled him. Keeping their son from the outside world as long as possible they trained him. Hyunseung was allowed out once he turned 12 as he began to attend school normally. He would have occasional episodes in which he would brush off as him being 4D.