Personal Message



(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ H O V E R   O V E R   T H E   T E X T  F O R  R A N D O M   I N F O  ! ! !















「 Kyungsoo is very quiet and reserved. He grew up in a small home with abusive parents, so you can understand. his self esteem grew small over time, leaving him to feel like nothing with a worthless piece of . When he turned six-teen, he felt as if the whole world was out to get him. There were no friends at school for him to run to, no family members. Why? He had no friends. Only dumb  ers who liked to push him around and take an advantage over his brains and scared personality. Home wasn't any better. He hated the place with a passion. Almost everyday was abuse: the whole nine yards. His parents smacked him, threw him, beat him until he was near unconcious. Usually, on good days they would release stress by ing him over and over again until they got tired of him. Afterwards they would lock him in a clostet. No shower, food, or water. He didn't get necessities... Only school provided the minimum for him. Eventually, Kyungsoo began developing suicidal thoughts, beleiving that no one could help him. That was until he came across an advertisement that read " 어둠 속에서 속삭 ¦ WHISPERS IN THE DARK ( needs more masters&pets. )" He signed up  almost instantly, believeing that someone there would finally be able to care for him, even if he was just a toy for a master. He would be taken care of, and maybe even loved. 」