
War Of The Gods

Character Profile


Name: Amber Josephine Liu

Clan and Kind: Water Spirits and Lures (Mermaid Shifters)

Likes: Food and games

Dislikes: Archangels and Skirt

Abilities: Hypnotizing voice that disables the victim to move. I'm the best slaves because of my beautiful faces and can breathe underwater.

                            Can shift from a powerless human to a very powerful mermaid that can create huge sea waves.

                             Creates a huge shield bubbles.

My Inventory:


House: Living in a street of Terra Agua


Amulets: Unprotected


Potions: NONE


Magical Pets: NONE


About: Eventhough I'm cold, doesn't mean I'm cold forever. I will smile when the time is right and I'm a very cheerful person. I just don't want to show it.