Personal Message
i'm alex. i'm brazilian.
i'm a master in 3rd pov.
and yes, i can do a back flip.
and POSTIVE, i am a crack filled person.
tainted eyes,
tainted eyes,
luhan - april 20 - vampire - 4th yr - bi - taken
luhan will be frank with you. he is old. old, old. older
than you, your mother, father and probably a lot of your
family. he's 2,219 years old. as old as the han dynasty.
he's seen and done things that you will probably never
even hear of...ever and probably knows a lot more than
the average '18' year old. he's been liek that for now.
tainted heart.
luhan hasn't been in love since 219BCE. and now he's a
relationship with a fellow hoe named Kris. LULU LOVES YOU
luhan - april 20 - vampire - 4th yr - bi - taken
luhan will be frank with you. he is old. old, old. older
than you, your mother, father and probably a lot of your
family. he's 2,219 years old. as old as the han dynasty.
he's seen and done things that you will probably never
even hear of...ever and probably knows a lot more than
the average '18' year old. he's been liek that for now.
tainted heart.
luhan hasn't been in love since 219BCE. and now he's a
relationship with a fellow hoe named Kris. LULU LOVES YOU
tainted tears.
tainted tears.