Personal Message
                        let us just love
                        ❝ YOU KNOW I ONLY HAVE YOU ALONE ❞
                                He raised him self in a small house at the age of four his parents died a long time ago. They were equlists and he was treated badly by his neighbours and school mates he never truly had a real friend. When he realised he could bend he was so confused his parents weren't benders why was he? That is what he would ask himself every day. One day someone told him he was part of the avatar and he ran and hadn't been seen in that small earth bending town since. 
                        SINGLE ; Biual; Not looking 
                        He is a very smart and witty young man but he has a hard head. He doesn't take well to orders or authority and tends to get into trouble a lot.  He come off as mean but he isn't really mean or hateful just miss understood so he doesn't have many friends, just tons of trust issues. 
                        Junhong. Unknown .
                        MOOD: 1 2 3 4 5
                        EARGASM: Heroes alltimelow
                        THOUGHTS: I couldn't think of anything because I'm hungry ; n ;"
                        i'm nothing without them ;
                        friend . friend . friend . friend . friend . friend .
                        friend . friend . friend . friend . friend . friend .