Personal Message
i wasn't looking for you. i wasn't expecting you. . .
haii, i'm kang jiyoung
jiyoung has a bad memory. everyone who is and was close to her knows this habit of hers. but she definitely had a good memory when it came to her past. everytime she closed her eyes, the sights of flames showed, the sounds of screaming could be heard. as a result, jiyoung would always end up having nightmares about it. but she told herself over and over again that every night she were to go to sleep, it would be the last night of having these nightmares of her past and she would tell herself 'good night' as a sign of a good sleep and good dreams. however, jiyoung hadn't known it was her past until she was of age, which was when she turned nineteen. the minute she was of age, she was brought into a dark room, and watched a 'movie'. she was confused, until the sights of flames and screamings began again. it was a pain, a huge pain since jiyoung only had parts of her memories and having the true story about it, and even watching it. up until now, she could remember having a tear stained face, a broken heart and a lonely girl in a dark room who was separated from the world. jiyoung could only trust herself, but she knew she had to live a normal life too. but how could she, with her enemies surrounding her where ever they may be. jiyoung just couldn't let her guard down. she can't let her guard down. she will get revenge, for her parents. who knows where her future lies. whether it be to die happily or to die sadly. to continue life normally or to continue life depressed and alone. jiyoung has already been alone since the death of her parents when she was two years old. the people who were close to jiyoung are dead and the people close to jiyoung now, she couldn't afford to lose. she couldn't afford to lost anyone else. she can't afford to lose anyone else. not anymore. she's a novice waterbender, jiyoung has many enemies and many allies. enemies being the fire clan, but jiyoung knew that even though water could defeat fire easily, the situation wasn't as simple as it seemed. over the years, it seemed that the fire clan had been trying out new things that would make them more powerful that even water, their enemy couldn't beat. but nevertheless, jiyoung wasn't going to give up.
♥ my precious kkangjiji followers ;
name . name . name . name . name . name . name . name . name . name . name
✿ the sticky notes ;
replies : seohyun ( downtown ) // zelo ( park )
starters : name ( room/wall )
roleplaying with : hyori ( wall ) // seohyun ( downtown ) // zelo ( park ) // chanyeol ( hall )
. . .but i'm lucky that i met you.



plot one : not alone anymore (zelo)
she thought that she was alone, turns out that she had an older sibling, somewhere out there. just serparated after the incident that happened when the two were young. but, what happened when they finally met?

plot two : stay away from me (hyori, chanyeol)
sworn enemies from the minute they had bumped into each other. no, scratch that, the minute they found out about one another. she had the element to control water while they had the element to control fire. what will happen to their friendship now?

plot three : don't leave me (available)
bestfriends. no, more like siblings. the two have been together since childhood. and now, they had to leave the country. jiyoung wantes to know why, but they won't tell her. they leave in a month. will they make the most of it?

plot four : still a baby (available)
they still treat her like a baby. even though they're the same age, they still somehow, someway, manage to treat her like she is ten times younger than them. she's put up with it for a while now. can she last longer?

plot five : friends for life (available)
a fellow friend who also has the element to control water, much like herself. they've been best friends since they've met and they've been friends up until now. but when the two developed feelings for the same person, they couldn't help but argue slightly. willl they somehow manage to stop fighting with each other?

plot six : again and again (available)
once again, she finds herself in a hospital. wearing a hospital gown, lying on a hospital bed. again and again, she's always tried to cause suicide because she's lonely. a friend visits her often in the hospital, always reminding her that she isn't alone. will she finally realize it?

plot seven : broken heart (available)
also having a life as a normal human other than a waterbender, she had managed to find love only to suffer from a broken heart. she feels as if a family or friend had left her for life. her heart becomes cold. this person always managed to put a smile on her face despite all the bad days they both had. will her cold heart become warm?

plot eight : hidden secret (available)
she was hoping it wouldn't come out, but it just so happened to. they were arguing over the smallest of things and she somehow managed to blurt out that she could control water. they didn't believe her though, no pont backing out. will she show them she's teling the truth?

plot nine : inner shikshin (available)
lately she's been begging for food. non-stop. everyday, everywhere, anytime. she will always ask for food. they get annoyed by it but in the end always buy her favorite food anyway. will her craving for food soon stop?

plot ten : teach me (available)
herself, only being nineteen, and a  novice waterbender, she wants to know how to master heer own elementin order to take revenge on the fire clan. she finds a master waterbender. but will they agree to help her?