Personal Message

mood ➝ 012345 // eargasm   // eyegasm   // craving  nothing // thoughts  im like so bored


hyukjae  april.4.1986 175cm  type O

❝ life is only a path full of efforts 
leehyukjae,better knownas eunhyuk

Eating is my sustenance

❝ you asked me where did I come from 
[1998-2002]son of one of korea's richest tycoons

[2002] parents assasinated

[2002-now] orphan, calls himself eunhyuk

❝ do what you like, not what you want 
likes; food, guys,dance,strawberries,making friends

dislikes; people who call him hyukjae, flirty girls, being hungry

❝ my eyes naturally follow you every time you walk 
y, classy, taken // homoual // lee donghae// 03/08/2013

❝ perhaps friendship does last a lifetime 
name  name  name  name  name

咖啡  layoutshop 



M e s s a g e from the real me: 

English is my first language, but even if yours isn't, don't be afraid to talk to me! I don't bite. (Not hard, anyway...)

I don't care how long your replies are, or how frequent, as long as you don't forget about me. XD

I'll try to be on everyday, but I'm not completely free until October this year. I've got very important exams.

I'm from Singapore, so my timezone is GMT+8

I ship Eunhae/Haehyuk and I'm a hardcore ELF and Exotic.

Asianfanfics username: EunhyukIsMyLife