Personal Message




 occ talk:

hey guys, call me danny.

lol well, let's rp? only if it's 3rdpov.

My timezone is GMT+1, but I'm on for like, 19 hours a day anyways, so.

don't hesitate to talk to me.

Multi/Semi paras/ Mirror/ 3rd POV







byun baekhyun

  exo ┇ may 6, 1992 ┇ blood type a ┇ 174 cm 

Byun Baekhyun. His name is simple. His life is simple. He tutors students par-time, and he is also a vocal teach. Being a vocal teacher, would lead you to know a few musicians, and thus he was invited to go to the Moonlit Masquerade. It seemed simple enough. Wear a suit, and wear a mask to conceal your identity. And that's what Baekhyun did. He came to the party, all dressed up and formal-looking. He was lead to your Room 14, which is a room he was assigned to stay at during the Masquerade. The lights dimmed, and the next thing he knew, everyone was trapped in the castle. Nowhere to go, nor escape. It's a bttle of survival for the guests. He was just lucky he is also a weapon specialists, and is familiar with any equipment used for harm; trained by his father. Despite his innocent looks, he is another heartless bastard who won't hesitate to kill someone off. All he can advice, is to never get too close, and never reveal your identity, or you're ed. 

you are an eye blinding entity
none . none . none . none . none

with you, everywhere is paradise
name of lover here
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❛ ℛoyalty ❜