Personal Message
▼ park chanyeol ▲ 1992/11/27 ▼ korean ▲ 185cm ▼ Friendly ▲ Rapper ▼ CrediT

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MeSsagE here
I'm not who you think I am. Chanyeol is an average person with an average life. There's nothing exactly special about him, except for his past. As a child he was raised to be polite and adequate no matter what situation. But when he was growing up, those manners and lesons went drown the drain, not for a bad reason though. He soon lived to make people smile and make them be happy, even though he himself wasn't. His family wasn't the richest, they were leaning towards the poor side and poor Chanyeol was bullied for not living in luxury. Yet he still lived to make people happy, but soon enough he found his own happines/passion and it was sonething called rapping. He told his parents about out and to his surprise they supported him, saving their earnings so he could go to his dream school and after raising enough money they sent him to Dreaming Academy.