Personal Message




Crystal Seo~

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Shall We Dance?

[Sing my whole Name] Crystal Marie Ekisho Sujeong Seo. 
[ Howl at me ] Crystal or Sho
[ I arrived on ] February 20th, 1995
[ Stand at my height at] 170 centimetres
[ Carry me at ] 51 kilograms
[ I was born in] San Francisco, California, USA 
[ Speak to me in ] Korean, English, Japanese or Spanish
[ The blood that runs through these veins is ] AB
I will surpass you top dancers One Day! Even you Chen, Mister dance machine. >w<




 Every Rose has it's Thorn


{Thoughts} : Hmmm, Who will you be. Xi Junho or Xi Jiabao? 

 {Craving}: Rose Tea and Rice cakes

{Eargasm}: Seo Inguk's I live Because of you; Luhan's Voice

{Eyecandy}: Luhan's smile Star and Rubix cubes

{Taken}: Xi Luhan, My one and only. My sweet deer prince.


{Always Remember}:Always dream




I will always cherish your rose