
Romeo Candore de Montague is the only son of both Leontes van de Montague and Portia Clemenzia De Ebe and heir to the throne of Neo Verona. For political resons, he has been forced into an unwanted engagement with Hermione, a young noblewoman. As a nobleman, he owns a ryuba/dragonhorse named Cielo whom he later freed. In the series, Romeo is the crown prince of Neo Verona, and confident, polite young man. He has little respect for Montague heritage because of his father's tyranny. He even rejects his name and the way his father reigns over Neo Verona.

He first meets Juliet at the Rose Ball and falls in love at first sight, and through the rest of the series is in love with Juliet, though he doesn't fully admit it until. He holds nothing against the Capulet family, and only wishes for he and Juliet to be happy and safe.

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In contrast to his father, he is obendient and kindhearted, and unlike other nobles, Romeo is not selfish or spoiled.