Personal Message








look into my eyes and i will end this beautiful lie and reveal the terrifying truth.


















oh sehun.

born on the twelfth of april, nineteen 


possesses the ability to induce insanity or 

fear or power over someone upon eye 

contact on his will. 

the first time he'd found out about it, he 

was merely six, having been angered by a 

neighborhood kid and looking straight into 

her eyes. sehun was teriffied when she 

began clawing on her face, screaming, and 

nobody knew what to do until she'd fallen 

back onto the sanbox and into her death.

luckily, it didn't get sehun into very much 

trouble because nobody had proof he'd done


ever since then, sehun made sure to keep 

his temper steady. sometimes, he'd look into

the eyes of people he hated in school and 

watched them run away screaming with fear. 

over time, sehun learned how to control it 

and promised himself he'd never use it to 

his advantage unless necessary. 

sehun is not actually as scary as he seems 

to be. he's a little dull, weird on the edges,

but he's a real genuine guy. he loves sweets 

and he's actually quite childish. he's shy at

first and quiet most of the time but he likes

to talk to people. he protects his friends 

and his family very well and he'd do it with 

his life. just don't get him angry or he'll 

look into your eyes. 





❝ but really, i think your eyes are absolutely beautiful. i just can't seem to look away.