Personal Message


 October 10, 1994  Aspiring Doctor  Single  Straight





All throughout my childhood, people told me that I would resort to nothing. They told me that I was 
nothing and that my life was going no where. It was true though, all throughout elementary and 
middle school I had no idea what I was doing with my life. I just got good grades, and that was it. 
Then, of course, we all have that life changing moment in our lives when we finally discover what
we finally want to do. And I didn't realize that until a volunteer trip to the hospital in high school, 
When I discovered that I wanted to be a doctor. 


Bae Suji is an 18 year old aspiring doctor. She had just graduated high school a year ago, and 
now has taken the next step in her life and got accepted into the top medical school in Korea. She
She is really soft hearted and innocent, someone who is easily deceived and because of that 
people like to take advantage of her. But even so, nothing had changed about her and her ways 
of life. She's a bright and happy girl that likes to smile a lot, but beyond her smile is a complex 
and horrific life that would make your hardships and difficulties seem like nothing









Will roleplay third or first pov upon your request. 
When doing third, I will ignore all one liners and grammar so horrible that I can't understand it. 
Also, PLOT with me. If you're lazy, I took the time to put some plots below. 
Know the difference between YOUR and YOU'RE
I get annoyed really easily, but it doesn't mean I'm not nice. 
If you want to just chat with me ooc, that's fine. 
95% of the time, if I ignored you it's unintentional. 
If your post got buried or I didn't notice you responded, Just remind me. Don't annoy me about it. 
Don't rush me, I actually do have a life too. 
I'm not the best third pov roleplayer out there, so don't expect so much out of me. 

1. Supportive Friend. (lee jongsuk) 
Suji had grown up an orphan pretty much her whole life, but even so she still walked around happily. After being one dark night, the next day and the rest of her life would soon turn to hell and nobody will talk to her. Except, that one special friend. 

2. Love Interest ( one male ) 
Talk about this with me if you're interested. 

3. Enemy ( one male/female ) 
Suji doesn't like you. Yikes.