
Name  :  Choi Seung Hyun (최승현)
Stage Name  :  Tempo, T.O.P
Poition  :  Rapper / Beat Boxer Real
Date of Birth  : November,4,1987
Height  :  181 cm
Weight  :  65 Kg
Blood Type  : B
Education  : Seoul Art College (Major in Musical), 
Dangook Universityy in Theater & Film (starting 2008)
Skills  :  Rapping,Beat Boxing & Lyrics MAking
Debut  :  BigBang
Hobbies  :  Swimming & Reading
Likes  :  Theatrical Performance,Musicals and Fashion Designing
Family Members : Parents & Older Sister
Personality  : He speaks well and is extremely stuborn. 
He likes to be the leader of things and speaks his mind. 
Shy and he thinks he's cute.
Musician He Admires  : Usher, Omarion, Jay-Z, B2K
Pendent  : A Hand holding a megaphone with Superman style dimond 
behind it meaning ' To inspire people with his voice and become big '