Personal Message


special features : Body Shots RP!
roleplaying as [Jang Hyunseung]

  • I'm pretty shy, but nice~ so feel free to RP with me!
  • I tend to forget things easilly, specially when I'm distracted, so feel free of reminding me if I forget to reply to you!
  • I might seem like a hyper girl..  but don't worry, that's the normal me xD and this hyperness would probably show off ocassionally on my charaters.
  • Timezone: GTM -6
  • I'm a mirror writer, meaning that I will reply to everything you write, unless there's no way to reply. Oh! and I hate one-liners, it's too depresing T-T so... 3 lines minimun n.n
  • I don't bite, unless you want me to~ /slapped ;D


▸  T H E   S L U T   O F   L U S T.  

          s e p t e m b e r   3 r d , 1 9 9 5.    |    1 7 7  c m.   |   5 0  k g.   |   b l o o d   t y p e   b.   |   y o u r   s l u t y e s t   n i g h t m a r e. 
(  y o u    t h i n k    i    c a r e  ?   t h i n k   a g a i n.  )


shinee2. sensual. needy bastar. cocky. diva.
Even though he's a normally obedient, often his coky/diva personality kicks in,  
making him be y, bossy and picky with the guys he s with.  He really 
enjoys and loves his job, specially because he likes a bit of teasing before the real
ing. He's gay and, due to an 'accident' he had with his mom, he dislikes girls no
exception. Maybe, just maybe, for a little chat, but never for having .  
He likes teasing, , using any kind of toys (excepting for rings - he 
hates those demoniac things), playing kitty. Oh, and he loves being ed hard.
Get closer to him, get along with him and most important... have fun.




▾ ▾ ▾ ▾ ▾
image lovedefine it. image
  love is just bull for me.  
(   t a k e n.  ┊ g a y. ┊ not looking.   )
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you changed me.

"pff, as if anyone could ever change me"

"I never thought someone could change everything I am"


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`my favourite playtoys.  

( V I P ) : Seungri . Kibum . Key . Jinki
*name   .   *name   .   *name   .   *name   .   *name   .   *name   .   *name   .   *name

profile credit : harlequin.