
"Being who you are, you could make a living out of being a stripper..."

"With a body like that, you could make a living out of being a stripper...."



These are things that were said to Fei throughout her teenage years. She always loved and to please others and get pleasure herself. She was always frisky and a wild child. She loved pain and naturally fell in love with . She came to the mansion, expecting to have the time of her life.




Fei is the baby of a wealthy business owners. Her mother owns a clothing line and her father owns a real estate business. She was always the rebel misfit child because she was not a model picture perfect child like her sister and brother. She loved and lost her ity at 14. Her parents were furious and they started to shun her away. She met her best friend and they were ALWAYS together. They ed often and hung out llike best friends.  All she's ever known is that they were close and then she lost contact with him... It broke her heart and her life spiraled down after losing him.