

His Past Life
He was born into a wealthy family as an only child.  
He was allowed to do anything as long as he stayed home.
His parents became so... over protective that they wouldn't allow him to do anything outside.
The sad part is... since he was at home all day and all night... he was looked down upon by his peers and used...
His mother used him for her own pleasure, tying him down and riding him when her desires became uncontrollable.
His dad had become so protective of him that the father wouldn't allow him to get a boyfriend... or a girlfriend... but he didn't know about L.Joe's mom.
But he did date and go out with a few people secretively and at the end they ended up hurting him...
Maybe it was his dad... maybe it was his mom... maybe it was just that he wasn't good enough for them...
His last break up was the hardest... a boy he loved cheated on him for a girl... just because she would have and nearly sell her body to him...
Since then he never really believed in love... He has always treated love like a spur of a moment thing..
But there is one thing he learned from that ... that if he gives up his self esteem and his ity... he could probably get anyone he wanted...
How He Got Here
After his last break up, he had an awareness.
The life around him was cruel aand he hated it.
He hated his father for being too over protective and his mother for being such a ...
So one night he ran away from home.
After 10 minutes of running into the streets he wasn't familiar with, he found himself at a dead end of an alleyway.
He heard footsteps and someone got a hold of him, another put a piece of cloth on his mouth.
Not knowing what it was, he was terrified and took a deep breath... then he was knocked out cold.
When he woke up, he was in a dark room with a filthy smell and he had a terrible headache.
He stood up from the hard bed he was in and felt something brush against his leg.
Terrified, he looked around but didn't see anything.
With a shrug, he walked around and found himself in front of a mirror.
The sight nearly made him scream.  He had gotten kitty ears and a long tail.
Being the adventurous boy he is, he smiled and giggled upon seeing the ears and tail and strutted out of the room into his new mansion.
 Something About Him
Name: Lee Byunghun but goes by L.Joe
Birthday: November 23, 1993
Age: 20
uality: Homoual
Likes: flowers, anything strawberry, Rilakkumas, sweets, getting called cute, getting petted and scratched behind his ears, adventures, calling people oppa
Dislikes: pulling on his ears or tail, sharp objects, being bored 
Turn ons: anything related, toys, husky voices, cooing, , food , hard
Appearance: has a long and bushy but adorable grey tail and pointy grey ears on his head.  His ears, although they're grey, the tips are black
Human form:
Kitten form: