Personal Message

I'll be watching your every move.

Name⇒Ham EunJung





Thoughts⇒All I need to do is observe.

Worries⇒ What if I get attached.

"I fear that I'm not myself in here. And I fear that I am."

How I came to be in this place:
I litterally grew up around the insane. Though at this time it was much more difficult to empathsize. Because I wasn't observing the insane. 

I was living it.

Family is a stupid way of saying you are bonded to people from birth.


and abuse is not "love". But it is my childhood. Kidnapped at the age of 13 I was taken away from my abusive family. But not to some loving family. No. I was taken to be used as a slave. Men, Women, everyone wanted a piece of the hot new girl. I was bought and sold countless numbers of times. Oh you think you know ? Believe me until you've lived the life of a slave you haven't seen anything. Graphic memories of being slammed into time after time haunt my dreams. My face being shoved between someones legs. Someone using a whip and asking me to beg. But hey chances are you won't be getting into my pants. 

Once at the age of 18 I came across a boy. He was 2 years older. After working my way up I became somewhat of a "high class" . So he was allowed to take me out and I only worked once a week which was a vast improvement from my 4-14 times a day. 

Back to the boy. He was charming. I was actually somewhat attracted to him. Nothing about him resembled the scum that I usually had to "entertain."

After one night he decided to "buy me". This is when I learned to hide how insane I really was. This is why I was allowed into med school. This is why I'm here now.





Roleplay Info:

Standard Mountain Time

School days I won't be on

Usually on anywhere from 2-10 hours

Semi-para to multi-para

Roleplaying With:






Plots Comming Soon