Personal Message

I shall be an avenger for my own heart ~Key


I am Keyyyyyy~~~


I am Prince Key and this is a story of my life
Was a lonesome player who was hurted by many of his loved ones. So one day he decided to go and improve his lifestyle then one day he became an honorable prince who has fallen from his girl playing schemes and fell in love with one of the princesses but has failed to get her and somehow lost her to his brother so he decided for himself that he will no longer love, until two other girls caught his eyes he rendered them as goddesses...this is where it starts! the time he will try to love once more...
and this is my story



│Key | 23rd September 1991 | 21 years | Straight  | fallen in love once more | mood =★★★☆☆ │

│Eargasm="replay" by shinee│Eyegasm=None│