Personal Message


Kim Jinhong
January 2 1998 // Male // 173 cm // blood type O O


lived with his grandmother ever since his parents died when he was 5. He's used on being teased and beaten up by other kids because he's the only one who's poor in their class. He didn't mind getting teased but he's really protective when other people hurt someone he trully loves. Jinhong's really friendly and He make friends easily... He's friends with a lot of people like the ones on the market and the people who have stalls on the steets. But Recently when he was still 14 his grandmother died  And now He works at a bookstore during saturday, sunday and monday...and he would help preschool teachers assist the children because they're too active and the teachers cant handle them anymore.... He would just stay there and watch the teacher do her job. And if the teacher is not around he would play with the kids or tell them stories