Personal Message



Im Jin-ah.

{ September 14 } { Straight } { KRIS ♥ } { Blood Type A} { 174cm }

  Call me Nana. Only people that are close to me can call me by my birthname. It holds some important value to me, you see.

I personally really enjoy just being by myself, most of the time. I'm not cold, I just like my space. Drawing, listening to music, drawing, they're all things that I do in my spare time

Don't think I'm some mean girl with cold intentions. I'm nothing of the sort. I like cuddly things and softness. I'm simply brutally honest. Is that a good thing? Well, I guess you can be the judge of that.

Dislikes? es, Bastards, and Jerks. But everyone hates them, don't we all?