Personal Message

chorong ¦ march.3.1991 ¦163cm¦ 47kg ¦ type O¦ leader & rapper

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imagination has no limits
"Everyday may not be good, but there's something good in everyday."

`mood ; AWESOME
`eargams ; n.o
`eyecandy ; myself e u e
`craving ; ice cream cake
`thoughts ; I love... myself e u e
`hobbies ; being a adobs mofo

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i just want to be with you

"All the cute things you do simply tickle my heart."

`love status ; taken
`orientation ; straight
`ideal type ; Woohyunnie
`taken ; Woohyun
`since ; o9.29.13

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making our dreams come true together

"A real friend is hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget."