

Lee Taemin
Lee taemin is one of the poorest people you'll ever meet. barely holding onto his job as a waiter he has no other life really. he's homeless but doesn't really mind. all he wants is someone to talk to, someone that will care for him. but because of his position in society most ignore him. he is clean and good at his job but that doesn't mean his boss likes him. the only reason he still lets taemin work at the establishment is because he attracts a lot of customers. as long as taemin doesn't tell the customers about his position his boss lets him stay and work. sometimes, because of his pretty face and long hair, many customers will think he's a girl. this is probably the only thing that gets on taemin's nerves other than people hurting others. he doesn't like it when the strong pick on the weak. not caring for himself at times he'll try to stop the bullying or the fighting or whatever it happens to be. this usually ends up with him breaking up the fight but him getting hurt. they usually just leave him there and most of the time, the one being picked on will run away before the bullies come back. both leaving taemin to lay there alone.
name: lee taemin
age: 17
personality: quiet, shy, and cute