"I don't know what's this feeling of love you're talking about."
↳ Zitao, the prince of the dark.
Zitao, mostly known as Tao is the only son of the man who did nothing more but bring a hard life for everyone by letting a war happen. His mother died trying to give him life, leaving him alone with his father. By the time the war started, Tao was only a little child, that liked to play with his friend, Yesung. His happiness was quickly ripped in half when everything broke apart in their world, forced to sit in his room everyday, only let to be fed and go to the main bathroom that he had to share with his father to shower.
With time, after the war came to an end and his father got executed for his brutal actions, Zitao spent his time doing nothing but think about his friend, his only friend; Yesung. Giving himself a time to get though the happenings, he let his thoughts aside and accepted the superiors to let him rule over after his father's death; swearing on his own blood that he would never start a war, knowing how much of a pain it would be for everyone.
↳ The dark Prince
After he lost his only friend, Zitao stopped trying to find someone good enough to fill his place, someone who would give him the same warm feeling of a friend. Soon enough, he isolated himself from every creature, most of his time being spent in his room or aimlessly walking around his castle, his mind totally out of the place. Sometimes even walking into the portal to the mortal world.
His personality became more agressive with the time, coming to violence most of the time when anyone tried to have a conversation with him, but always had the tiny bit of guilt he would shook off his shoulders the very next minute, resuming his previous actions.
His servants would whisper bad things about his persona, but he had no interest in hearing anything they would speak, only in his deep thoughts of how to keep the kingdom in a peaceful way, without any wars.
He hated wars.