Personal Message


This J-hope won't be deleted, and instead will be inactive and ungrouped.
We will be keeping this j-hope, and it will not affect the second j-hope.







Homo homo gay gay gay hu.

to me hoseok. TO ME E U E

i will IN you eue; /shot
oh goodness orz <--- bending over for you ewe
ooh baby eue;

mehehehe eue;;;
now you know what the dispenser is good for eue /kicked
no. I have my own kit so I don't need a dispenser eue
oh right the kit..but will one be enough? eue
it should be. but there's a second one just in case e u e. suga is almost always prepared! ewe

Suga was here. And he lubs you e u e. \o/ (╯°□°)╯︵ ʞoǝsoɥ
I love you more that Taehyung HUE e u e /slapped
 srry not srry